IFSA Meets

IFSA Meets Virtually
August 13, 2020
New MRDs launched!
October 20, 2021
IFSA Meets Virtually
August 13, 2020
New MRDs launched!
October 20, 2021
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IFSA Meets

IFSA members again met virtually on 21 September 2020. Members discussed the status of the Minimum Requirements Documents (MRDs) and noted that considerable work had been undertaken to develop revised versions of the DNA, Crime Scene Investigation and Seized Drug Analysis MRDs. Additionally, the Digital and Mutimedia Evidence and Latent Prints MRDs are nearing completion and are due to be released by the end of the year.

The Asian Forensic Science Network (AFSN) has almost completed the translation of the DNA MRD and are reviewing the translations of the Crime Scene Investigation and Seized Drug Analysis MRDs. In exciting news, the AFSN have also almost completed drafting the MRD for Toxicology, after which it will be sent for comment by IFSA members.

The IFSA Research Position Statement will also be released by the end of the year following design completion. IFSA members also discussed further opportunities to collaborate internationally to further forensic science.

IFSA members will meet again in December. Watch this space for more updates.