The International Forensic Strategic Alliance (IFSA) is a multilateral partnership between regional networks of operational forensic laboratories across the globe.
- Collaboration in forensic science for a safer world
Goals and Objectives
- Develop strategies and activities that promote and enhance the use of quality forensic science
- Encourage the exchange of forensic science information between the member networks and stakeholders
- Promote the establishment and strengthening of regional forensic science networks
- Collaborate strategically with other relevant international and regional organisations

Member Organizations

American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
Usually pronounced “azz-clad” by those in the forensic sciences, The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) is a nonprofit professional society of crime laboratory directors and forensic science managers dedicated to providing excellence in forensic science through leadership and innovation. The purpose of the organization is to foster professional interests, assist the development of laboratory management principles and techniques; acquire, preserve and disseminate forensic based information; maintain and improve communications among crime laboratory directors; and to promote, encourage and maintain the highest standards of practice in the field.

European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
The registered association currently comprises 72 member laboratories from 39 countries in Europe.
The purpose of ENFSI with its 17 Expert Working Groups and 2 Standing Committees (Quality and Competence, Research and Development) is to:
- share knowledge
- exchange experiences
- come to mutual agreements in the field of forensic science
- identify quality and competence issues and comply with international standards and best practice including achieving and maintaining accreditation
- spot and process continuously the Trends in Forensic Sciences for research statements and position design
ENFSI is recognized as the pre-eminent voice in forensic sciences throughout Europe. Its products such as best practice manuals, guidelines and customized tools for forensic analysts and examiners are state-of-the art and enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide.
1ENFSI has many BPMs and Guidelines available at its website. You can find them HERE!

National Institute of Forensic Science Australia New Zealand
NIFS ANZ are the peak body for forensic representation from Australia and New Zealand. NIFS ANZ is governed by the Australia New Zealand Forensic Executive Committee (ANZFEC), made up of the Directors of all government forensic service providers in Australia and New Zealand.
NIFS ANZ strategic intent is to promote and facilitate excellence in forensic science. Their work programs are designed to address priority needs and issues in forensic science and they actively engage with the forensic science community on cross-jurisdictional and cross-discipline issues.
NIFS ANZ role are:
- Promote, sponsor and support research in forensic science in areas of identified strategic importance
- Advise and assist with the development and co-ordination of forensic science services
- Gather and exchange forensic information
- Support, co-ordinate and conduct training programs in forensic science for practitioners
- Conduct relevant quality assurance programs

Academia Iberoamericana de Criminalística y Estudios Forenses
The Latin American Academy of Criminalistics and Forensic Studies, AICEF, established in 2004 is composed of 27 research institutions representing 18 Latin American countries and Spain and Portugal. The primary purpose of its creation was to achieve cooperation between institutions and engaged in criminal investigation experts. All in aid of the bodies responsible for administering justice. The study of the evidence, however insignificant they may be, are the main objective of criminalistics, and finally identifying the author of an alleged malfeasance. AICEF constitutes a scientific meeting in which the problems of modern Latin American criminal justice research, in order to make available to the distributors of justice objective tests that allow them to fulfill their social function are discussed.

Asian Forensic Sciences Network
The purpose of the AFSN is:
- To provide a forum for forensic science institutes in Asia for discussion on issues relating to forensic services.
- To enhance the quality of forensic services in Asia through expert working groups, training, collaborative studies, proficiency tests and accreditation.
- To establish links with other similar networks for the promotion and advancement of forensic science.
- To formulate strategies relating to forensic science issues in Asia.

Southern Africa Regional Forensic Science Network
The basis for a Southern Africa Regional Forensic Science Network (SARFS), representing 12 countries in Southern Africa, was established with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) guidance and support in December 2008. The Africa region, through its SARFS Network, will strengthen its presence in the international forensic community alongside the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD), the Senior Managers of Australian and New Zealand Forensic Laboratories (SMANZFL ), the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), the Iberoamerican Academy of Forensic Sciences (Academia Iberoamericana De Criminalistica Y Estudios Forenses, or AICEF) and the Asian Forensic Sciences Network (AFSN).

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes
UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in all regions of the world through an extensive network of field offices. UNODC relies on voluntary contributions, mainly from Governments, for 90 per cent of its budget.
UNODC is mandated to assist Member States in their struggle against illicit drugs, crime and terrorism. In the Millennium Declaration, Member States also resolved to intensify efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions, to redouble the efforts to implement the commitment to counter the world drug problem and to take concerted action against international terrorism.

INTERPOL’s full name is the International Criminal Police Organization and it is an inter-governmental organization. Created in 1923, its role is to enable police in its 194 member countries to work together to fight transnational crime and make the world a safer place. Each member country has an INTERPOL bureau which are connected to each other via the I-24/7 secure global communications network. This I-24/7 network also provides access to INTERPOL’s databases.
INTERPOL maintains global specialized databases containing police information on criminals and crime, and provides operational and forensic support, analysis services and training. These policing capabilities are delivered worldwide and support three global programmes: counter-terrorism, cyber-crime, and organized and emerging crime.

Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science (LRCFS)
The Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science ( is a University based research centre at the University of Dundee ( in Scotland, UK with a specific mandate to create a mechanism to bring together the global justice system to discuss the need for underpinning science. LRCFS uniquely connects the scientific, academic, practitioner and Judicial communities and facilitates discussion of the challenges faced in the use of science in court and co-creates operationally focused research to address the identified community need. LRCFS is independently funded by the Leverhulme Trust (
News & Updates
Research and Innovation Position Statement
IFSA members and our international networks have developed a global position statement for forensic science research and innovation articulated in the IFSA Research and Innovation Position Statement 2021 .
The aim of the Position Statement is to provide leadership and promote research and innovation in areas with operational relevance that are critical to scientific service provision for the justice systems.
The research and innovation areas are divided into specific research and innovation focus areas that span a set of broad challenges of local, national and international significance with sub-topics which are defined as fundamental (need to be undertaken in the short, medium or long term) and applied (need to be applied into investigative and evidential processes for operational implementation spanning the criminal, civil and family justice systems).
It is hoped the Position Statement will be used to promote funding and resources to research at National, International and Global levels.
CLICK HERE to view the 2021 IFSA Research and Innovation Position Statement