Strategic Partners

The autonomous networks that form IFSA represent forensic science management for their specific regions. They have similar roles, functions and objectives and recognise the value to be gained through long-term collaboration and co-operation on strategic issues related to the management and promotion of the forensic sciences.
IFSA is maturing as a global organisation and has identified key strategic priorities. These include a tiered approach to the development of minimum requirements documents for a range of forensic science disciplines for developing countries and a focus on emerging technologies, forensic science service models and tracking of key research and development activities within the networks.
How do we operate?
In pursuing its goals and objectives, IFSA recognises the sovereignty of each of the participating networks.
The Presidents/Chairs of the networks (or their nominated representatives) will meet at least annually and on other occasions as opportunities arise.
The Goals and Objectives and rolling agenda issues will be reviewed annually as will progress against annual targets.
Each network will make arrangements to ensure that within IFSA there is continuity and maintenance of corporate knowledge.
There is a realisation that success for IFSA will be gained initially by realistic expectations of what can be achieved. To this end IFSA, through the heads of each organisation will set annual targets that:
- are achievable
- strengthen the partnership
- conform with the Goals and Objectives
Terms of Reference
IFSA organisational Terms of Reference can be found HERE
Multilateral Partnership Agreement
The IFSA Multilateral Partnership Agreement can be found HERE